Euro Frigo is a recently established company that transports controlled temperature goods (fridges) in Italy and abroad. The head office is in Benevento, 30 minutes away from Naples. The fleet is composed of mainly Euro Class 6 trucks.
The transport company Maitxene performs national and international freight transport and is a Negometal client for the recovery of VAT. For several months, it has also chosen our offer for tolls and tells us about it feedback.
The company Plaza Truck SL has been using Négométal for many years, particularly for the recovery of VAT and our toll offers across Europe. This freight transport company is looking for easy-to-use services and transparent offers, the aim being to be at least concerned about its technical aspects internally.
OWEG TRANSPORT SA, international transport company has been using Négométal for more than 10 years for the recovery of VAT and diesel taxes as well as our offer of tolls.
Since 2014, JANOCARGO SL, company of road transport of goods, recovers its foreign VAT thanks to the experts of Négométal.