With Negoroad pay all European tolls with a single device and save up to 13% on toll prices

Hermanos Ruiz, S.L., whose main activity is road freight transport, has been a customer of our Spanish subsidiary Negobiter for many years.

Using Négométal for its toll offer and tax representation, they comeback with us on their service experience.

Négométal offers carriers and commercial including solutions tailored to their fleet of trucks or light vehicles, thanks to its unique NEGOROAD electronic toll system.

“We chose to work with the Négométal teams for their responsiveness, good management and the quality of services offered. “

With NEGOROAD, enjoy the latest in-vehicle GPS technology in one device to cross Europe and get up to 13% discounts on motorway networks.

Track your vehicle fleet in real time using geolocation options and manage your electronic toll devices from your smartphone.

“We are very pleased with the mutual relationship of so many years of collaboration and our common and shared vision. “

In order to better manage your cash-flow and in addition to our electronic toll offering, our partner C2A offers a payment solution facilitating the mobility of carriers in Europe.

The C2A solution was adopted “in order to no longer have to have to advance a month of cash, the case before with the use of cards of a competing solution of a large tanker. “Says Mr. Casseault, accountant of the company TLM Transports in Vierzon.

With the C2A Truck Card you will save time and money :

– Access +1550 service stations low-cost and premium partners

– A payment solution without deposit

– Get a single digitized bill and 24-hour support